
How Important are Good Listing Photos?

There are two trends impacting real estate photography that you should know about if you’re thinking of selling this year. First, more than ever before, buyers are relying on pictures to decide whether or not to schedule a viewing. They expect to be able to go online and “tour” your home ...

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Keeping Mice Out of your Home

There’s no doubt about it. Preventing mice from entering your home is much easier than evicting them once they’ve moved in. If you take just a few simple precautions, you can avoid the trip to the store to buy traps or the call to the exterminator. Here’s what the experts recommend: ...

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Is Getting into your “Dream” Neighbourhood Doable?

Is there a neighbourhood you drive through occasionally and think, “Wow. I’d love to live here. What a fantastic area”? Why don’t you take that thought any further? Maybe you think getting into that neighbourhood just isn’t doable – at least, not right now. Perhaps you’re worried about the home prices or ...

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